April Deadlines and Applications:
The Gaulin Memorial Scholarship
The Sarah Gaulin Memorial Scholarship seeks to support and encourage the resilience of individuals with mental illness pursuing post-secondary education. Students must be registered in a post-secondary institution and provide documented proof of their mental illness.
Deadline: April 1st, yearly To apply - Click Here
Coastal Community Credit Union's Scholarship Program
Do you have a great idea to make a positive difference in your community? Do you want to see that idea become a reality? Coastal Community would like to help you make that happen with our Scholarship Program. "In order to be eligible for a scholarship, we ask that you submit a plan for a project to improve your community."
They will award eight Grade 12 students with a $2000 scholarship for post-secondary.
Deadline: April 1st, 2025
Check the website for criteria and application details. Click Here
Colwood Volunteer Firefighters Association Scholarship
This scholarship is open to any grade 12 student graduating from a secondary school, or person under the age of 21, who has resided within the City of Colwood for at least five years at the time of graduation. The candidate must have performed Volunteer service within the past five years at date of application. Preference may be given to immediate family of a Colwood Volunteer Firefighters Association member.
Deadline: April 1, 4:30 PM Yearly
To apply - See Application in 2024 Grad Google Classroom
The West Shore RCMP Community Policing Advisory Committee Scholarships
1) The “Helping Profession” Scholarship - $500 will be awarded to a student who is entering into an accredited post-secondary institution and studying in a field of, but not limited to: policing; nursing, social work; justice studies, firefighting, or counselling.
2) The “Full Potential” Scholarship - $1,000 will be awarded to a student in recognition of their ability to overcome adversity and who plans to pursue a post-secondary education in an accredited institute. For more information: CPAC Scholarships Opportunities
Deadline: April 1, Yearly
To apply - For more information about each of these scholarships and for application forms please send an email to: For More Information - Click Here
Ian Ford Trust Fund Bursary
This bursary to available to any graduating Vancouver Island student who intends to enter post- secondary studies in any course of study, at any recognized post-secondary institution, immediately following high school graduation. Preference may be given to students demonstrating need, as well as reasonable scholastic achievement and community involvement.
Deadline: April 1, Yearly
To apply - Click Here
Jamie-Lynn Robertson Memorial Bursary
This award will be presented to a student whose life has been impacted by epilepsy. This award will not be granted based on academic achievement, but the recipient must demonstrate financial need and submit a 300-word essay on how epilepsy has impacted their life.
Additionally, a student must:
- Be between 17-19 years of age entering into college or university studies in a BC post-secondary institution.
- A Canadian citizen.
- Become a member of The Center for Epilepsy and Seizure Education British Columbia.
To Apply - Click Here
BC School Superintendents Association (BCSSA)
Students wishing to be considered for a scholarship must be currently enrolled in their final year of studies at a public secondary school in BC and be expected to graduate in June 2023. The scholarship committees will consider demonstrated exemplary service and leadership within the school and community. One winner will be chosen from each of the six BCSSA provincial chapters (Fraser Valley, Kootenay-Boundary, Metro, Vancouver Island, Northern, Thompson-Okanagan). Each winner will be awarded a $1,000 scholarship.
Deadline: April 16th, at Noon
Applications are to be emailed to : [email protected]
To Apply - Click Here
SD 62 (Sooke School District) Awards:
The following SIX awards are open only to students who attend Belmont, Royal Bay, EMCS or Westshore high schools. Applications are due by April 17th at 3:30PM
All applications are submitted through the District Scholarship Google Classroom:
Class Code = g7hof2s
You are advised to submit applications BEFORE this date and you definitely must request transcripts and references well before-hand. We suggest you request transcripts at least 2 days in advance and give teachers 10 days to two weeks to prepare reference letters or forms. DO THIS BEFORE SPRING BREAK!!!
Students can complete the application forms digitally, directly in Google Classroom or they can print them out, complete them by hand, then scan and upload them into Google Classroom. Reference Letters should be submitted electronically. Please print templates as needed from the Google Classroom then scan and submit electronically. If students receive reference letters in sealed envelopes, please forward them to Christine Hoskins to put in the district courier. It’s important that the student’s name, school and scholarship name/category be noted on the envelope.
District Awards (BC Ministry of Education Provincial Scholarship)***Last year 47 Belmont students won one of these.
The District Awards recognize graduating B.C. students for excellence in their chosen area of interest. Winners will receive a $1,250 scholarship voucher to use towards their post-secondary tuition. Students have up to five years to use this voucher. The district will be able to award over 100 of these scholarships to district students. There are seven categories to choose from: Fine Arts, Applied Skills, Physical Activity, International Languages, Community Service, Indigenous Language & Culture, and Technical and Trades Training. (Note: You may apply in more than one category. A separate application must be submitted for each category to which you are applying.)
Deadline: April 17th, at 3:30PM, 2024
- LATE APPLICATIONS WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED: Start your application before spring break.
- To apply - Join the District Scholarship Google Classroom: g7hof2s
Monk Office Supply Scholarship
This award recognizes a student who displays good citizenship and social responsibility at school and in the community and who plans to enter the field of environmental studies. The value of the award varies from year to year.
Deadline: April 17th, at 3:30PM, 2024
To apply - Join the District Scholarship Google Classroom: g7hof2s
Ron Warder Memorial Scholarship
The spirit of this $750 award is not necessarily to recognize outstanding academic excellence, but rather to champion a student who embodies the qualities that Ron Warder embodied: leadership, community action, creativity, respect, perseverance, relationship-building, and a passion for supporting the school community and community at large. Requirements: “C+” average or better; participated in student government, clubs, school teams, and/or community activities; and displayed dedication and leadership in their service of school and/or community; and can demonstrate a positive impact on school and/or community through service.
Deadline: April 17th, at 3:30PM, 2024
To apply - Join the District Scholarship Google Classroom: g7hof2s
Victor Chen Memorial Engineering:
Student planning on going into programs such as engineering, especially at BCIT or Camosun, with good grades, service within the school and community, and financial need
Will be a district wide scholarship as of 2020.
Deadline: April 17th, at 3:30PM, 2024
To apply - Join the District Scholarship Google Classroom: g7hof2s
Mosaic Forest Management Scholarship
Awarded to an SD62 graduating student who is entering an education program in the field of forestry. Consideration may be given to students pursuing post-secondary programs in fisheries or resource management.
Deadline: April 17th, at 3:30PM, 2024
To apply - Join the District Scholarship Google Classroom: g7hof2s
Ed MacGregor Bursary
One award of $2500 for student who has C+ average or better, has participated in student government, club, teams, and/or community activities. They must also have displayed dedication and leadership in their service of school and/or community and can demonstrate a positive impact on their school and/or community through service Ed MacGregor was the first Mayor of Sooke and a Capital Regional District Director. He passed away in office in March, 2003. The bursary funds are raised by all municipalities and electoral areas within the Capital Region and the bursary is awarded on a rotating basis to a graduating student from one of the School Districts of Sooke, Greater Victoria, Saanich or Gulf Islands.
Deadline: April 17th, 2024 at 3:30PM
To apply - Join the District Scholarship Google Classroom: g7hof2s
Nils Jensen Memorial Bursary
Nils Jensen was a Councillor for 15 years on the Oak Bay Municipal Council before becoming the Mayor of
Oak Bay in 2011, a position he held until 2018. He also served the broader community by acting as the Chair
of the Capital Regional District (CRD) Board and as Chair of the Regional Water Supply Commission for 12
years during which time he helped preserve water security for the region. Mr. Jensen’s family established a
bursary fund in his memory which is administered by the CRD. The bursary is awarded on a rotating basis to a
graduating student from one of the School Districts of Sooke, Greater Victoria, Saanich or Gulf Islands.
• C+ average or better;
• Demonstrates a keen interest in environmental protection or water security;
• Participated in student government, clubs, and/or community activities;
• Displayed dedication and leadership in their service of school and/or community;
• Can demonstrate a positive impact on their school and/or community through service.
Deadline: April 17th, 2024 at 3:30PM
To apply - Join the District Scholarship Google Classroom: g7hof2s
4-H British Columbia Provincial Scholarships
Provincial and National 4-H Scholarships ranging in value from $500 to $10,000 will be available to 4-H BC members pursuing a post-secondary education in the coming year. There are several scholarships available and all require a separate form so plan ahead!
Deadlines: April 15, yearly
To apply - Click Here
Personal Guardian and Trustee Educational Assistance Fund
These bursaries are awarded annually in consultation with the Ministry of Children and Family Development to high school graduates who are 19 years old or over and pursuing a post-secondary academic, technical or vocational program. They are only available to former permanent wards of the Ministry of Social Services and those formerly in continuing custody of the Ministry of Children and Family Development of the Province.
Deadline: April 15, Yearly
To apply - Click Here
Sooke District Elementary and Middle School PAC Bursaries
Colwood Elementary Bursary
Deadline: April 18, 2024, 5:00PM To access the application form head to the Grad 2024 Google Classroom
Crystal View Elementary Bursary
Deadline: April 18, 2024, 5:00PM To access the application form head to the Grad 2024 Google Classroom
David Cameron Elementary Bursary
Deadline: April 18, 2024, 5:00PM To access the application form head to the Grad 2024 Google Classroom
Dunsmuir Middle School Bursary
Deadline: April 18, 2024, 5:00PM To access the application form head to the Grad 2024 Google Classroom
Ecole John Stubbs Bursary
Deadline: April 18, 2024, 5:00PM To access the application form head to the Grad 2024 Google Classroom
Hans Helgeson Elementary School Bursary
Deadline: April 18, 2024, 5:00PM To access the application form head to the Grad 2024 Google Classroom
Happy Valley Elementary School Bursary
Deadline: April 18, 2024, 5:00PM To access the application form head to the Grad 2024 Google Classroom
Lakewood Elementary Bursaries
Deadline: April 18, 2024, 5:00PM To access the Lakewood application form head to the Grad 2024 Google Classroom
To access the *Robin Reston Sports form head to the Grad 2024 Google Classroom
**All SD 62 students are eligible to apply for the Lakewood PAC Robin Reston Sports Bursary. Preference will be shown to former Lakewood students.
Millstream Elementary Bursaries: Two awards
Deadline: April 18, 2024, 5:00PM To access the application form head to the Grad 2024 Google Classroom
Ruth King Elementary Bursary
Deadline: April 18, 2024, 5:00PM To access the application form head to the Grad 2024 Google Classroom
Sangster Elementary Bursary
Deadline: April 18, 2024, 5:00PM To access the application form head to the Grad 2024 Google Classroom
Savory Elementary Bursary
Deadline: April 18, 2024, 5:00PM To access the application form head to the Grad 2024 Google Classroom
Spencer Middle School Bursary
Deadline: April 18, 2024, 5:00PM To access the application form head to the Grad 2024 Google Classroom
Willway Elementary Bursary
Deadline: April 18, 2024, 5:00PM To access the application form head to the Grad 2024 Google Classroom
Wishart Elementary Bursary
Deadline: April 18, 2024, 5:00PM To access the application form head to the Grad 2024 Google Classroom
Belmont School Scholarships:
The following scholarships (in purple) are funded by donations to Belmont and are only available to Belmont students. Completed applications should be SUBMITTED TO GRAD GOOGLE CLASSROOM, BY:
Deadline: April 18, 2024, at MIDNIGHT
Howard East AVID Memorial Bursaries
These awards are open to graduating Belmont students in the AVID program - talk to Mr. Bendall OR Mrs. Hoskins for more details.
Deadline: April 18, 2024, at MIDNIGHT To apply - Go to the Grad 2024 Google Classroom
Metchosin Fire Department Delaney Dunlop Memorial:
This $500 scholarship is awarded to a student who has been involved in both the school and the community. The preference is for a student attending UVic in Political Science who lives in the Metchosin area.
Deadline: April 18, 2024, at MIDNIGHT To apply - Go to the Grad 2024 Google Classroom
Westshore Rotary Club Bursaries:
Three bursaries of $1000 are awarded to students attending a trades or academic post-secondary program next year. Service to others beyond yourself and financial need are the key criteria. The application requires a 300 word essay outlining the applicant's service contributions. Winners will attend a luncheon the last Friday of June.
Deadline: April 18, 2024, at MIDNIGHT To apply - Go to the Grad 2024 Google Classroom
Gesslein Mini Excavating LTD Trades Bursary
Open to Belmont and Royal Bay students. One bursary of $500 is awarded to a student pursuing the trades, financial need, and proof of acceptance to a trade school, or apprenticeship, or employment in a trade.
Deadline: April 18, 2024, at MIDNIGHT To apply - Go to the Grad 2024 Google Classroom
Myles Mansell Memorial Scholarship:
This $500 award goes to a student who is a cadet, in the reserves.
Deadline: April 18, 2024, at MIDNIGHT To apply - Go to the Grad 2024 Google Classroom
Jaime Yates Memorial Scholarship
This $1000 award goes to a student who is pursuing a career in music of any kind.
Deadline: April 18, 2024, at MIDNIGHT To apply - Go to the Grad 2024 Google Classroom
One application for all of the following Belmont Scholarship Society Scholarships:
- Iris Reiss Memorial: strong academics, financial need, preference for students who attended Colwood or Dunsmuir (split between Belmont and Royal Bay as of 2020)
- Juan de Fuca Veterinary Clinic: student pursuing a career in biology, sciences or animal sciences in particular
- Langford Women's Institute: female students pursuing studies in agriculture, home economics, dietetics, nutrition, culinary arts, fashion, textiles, social work, health care, child care, women's studies or trades - financial need considered before academic excellence
- Lifetouch Canada: student must be in good academic standing and demonstrate good citizenship
- Eberle Family Arts Scholarship: For Students who have excelled in Belmont Music/Fine Arts Classes (preference for Band) and are pursuing music in post-secondary. If no student is pursuing music in post-secondary, it will be offered to a student who has excelled in music classes.
- Rein Eberle Memorial Scholarship: students who are on the football team
- Spotswood Memorial: female student who excels in academics and sports, especially basketball, and has excellent character
- Westshore Lions Club Lion H. Ralph Day Bursaries: three awards for strong academic students with significant financial need
- West Shore Developers Association: three awards for students who will be pursuing careers in the construction trades
- Westhills Land Corporation: For students pursuing engineering in post-secondary
To apply for any or all of the above - Go to the Grad 2024 Google Classroom
Island Social Trends Journalism Scholarship
Power to the Peach Scholarship
Gaetz Designs Arts Scholarship
Gaetz Designs Women in Business Award
Premier’s International Scholarship Program
The Premier’s International Scholarships of $6,000 to $10,000 are awarded on a competitive basis to students from all regions of the province participating in an international experience of at least three months in length. Successful applicants must demonstrate outstanding academic performance and exemplary community service.
Deadline: April 25th, 2024, 4:30PM
To apply - Click Here
CPAC (West Shore RCMP Community Policing Advisory Committee) Constable Sarah Beckett Scholarship [see also June 30 for a second Sarah Beckett scholarship]
This $1000 scholarship is provided to a student entering into (or planning to enter within one year) an accredited post-secondary institution in a program focused on law enforcement. Evidence of community service or leadership would be an asset.
Deadline: (Last Friday of April, yearly)
For More Information - Click Here
To apply - Contact Westshore RCMP Directly - [email protected]
The Educational Facility Managers Association of British Columbia Bursaries
Four bursaries (valued at $1000 each) are offered to secondary students completing their grade 12 year who will enter a recognised post-secondary educational institution in the 2023/2024 term, based on academic achievement and/or special needs. Preference will be given to students entering the fields of engineering, architecture, or building technology. Should there not be suitable applications received in these fields, students in other courses of study will be considered, however, all applicants MUST be dependents of school district employees in the school plant area (i.e. Maintenance or Custodial).
Deadline: April 30th, 2024
For more information and to apply - Click Here
Union Club Community Service Scholarship
This $5000 scholarship is awarded to a local graduating student entering full-time studies at UVic in the fall, who has maintained at least a B-average and participated in volunteer activities and/or exceptional community service with a Greater Victoria non-profit organization.
Deadline: April 30th, yearly
For application information – Click Here
For More Information and yearly availability about UVic Scholarships - Click Here
BC Housing – Education Awards Program
The Education Awards Program, through five different bursaries ranging from $500-$1000, helps individuals living in subsidized housing pursue their educational goals and make positive changes for themselves and their families.
Deadline: April 30th, 2024 - 2:00PM
To apply - Click Here
Rocky Point Bird Observatory Award
Three scholarships of $500.00 will be presented to graduating, full-time high school students of School Districts 61, 62 and 63 who intend to pursue a career that supports bird and/or environmental conservation. Please note that use of these funds is not restricted to post-secondary costs and may be used to further learning in a conservation-related activity.
Deadline: April 30th, 2024
To Apply - Click Here
British Columbia Arts Council Scholarships
This scholarship provides funding of up to $6,000 per year to outstanding BC arts students attending full-time studies in a fine-arts diploma or degree program at a recognized college, university, institution or academy, in any country. Recognized disciplines of study include: arts administration, community-based arts practice, museology, conservation, dance, media arts, theatre, music, curatorial practice, and visual art.
Deadline: April 30th, 2024
For More Information – Click Here
April TBA and Open Applications:
myBlueprint Scholarships
The scholarships are:
- Financial Wellness Scholarship by Scotiabank
- STEM Scholarship by Scotiabank
- Diversity by Scotiabank
- Future Women Leaders by Scotiabank
Deadline: May 3rd, 2024
For more information and to apply - Click Here
Catholic Health Association of BC Bursary
This year, the Catholic Health Association of BC will grant a $500 Bursary to a graduating student in the class of 2022 who is enrolled in a Catholic secondary school, or a member of a BC or Yukon parish and enrolled in a public secondary school, or home-schooled. To apply for this bursary, students are invited to submit a 500-word essay that demonstrates an awareness and understanding of the significance of Spirituality in Health Care.
Deadline: Not Available in 2024
To apply - Click Here
Canadian Women in Municipal Government Scholarship
This scholarship of $1000 is open to female students enrolled in any year of study in secondary school who are contributing to their school's leadership team or student council.
To apply - Click Here
BC Hockey Scholarships
BC Hockey scholarships are open to both players and officials. All players must be registered and in good standing with BC Hockey, or former members playing in the Western Hockey League (WHL) who are in their graduating year of high school. All officiating scholarship candidates must be registered and in good standing with BC Hockey, and be either in their graduating year or high school or already attending a post-secondary institution.
Deadline - Unclear on Website, but May 2024
To Apply - Click Here
C.U.P.E. Local 459 BURSARY
At least two bursaries (of a minimum of $500.00 each) are offered annually to graduates who are dependents of C.U.P.E. 459 employees) and are planning to attend a post-secondary institution or a career training/apprenticeship program. Please submit electronically by email to [email protected] by May 15th.
Deadline: May 15th, 2024
To apply - Check Grad 2024 Google Classroom
Peninsula CO-OP Scholarships
Fourteen scholarships, totaling $15,000, are offered in the areas of athletics, community service, academic excellence, overcoming adversity, etc. Students apply directly through the University of Victoria or Camosun College websites.
UVIC Students = Apply between February 15 - April 30, 2024 To apply – Click Here
Camosun Students = Application between May 1 - July 31, 2024 To apply - Click Here
Peninsula CO-OP Education Scholarship Deadline - August 31, 2024 To apply - Click Here