February Scholarship Deadlines:
Indspire provides financial support through bursaries, scholarships and awards to First Nations, Inuit and Métis students.
Deadline: February 1st, Aug 1st, Nov 1st (annually)
To apply – Click Here
Manulife Life Lessons Scholarship
The Manulife Life Lessons Scholarship is for students in Canada who have experienced a death of a parent or guardian with little or no insurance coverage. (Applications open on February 1st.)
Deadline: Opens February 1st, 2025
To Apply – Click Here
Kin Canada Foundation Scholarship
$1,000 bursaries are awarded to successful Canadian applicants with financial need who are pursuing post-secondary education at a recognized university, community college, technical institute and other schools for advanced education. The application requires information about your financial situation, community service, and that you indicate some knowledge or experience with Kin Canada (Kinsmen and Kinettes).
Deadline: February 1, 2025
To apply – Click Here
RBC Future Launch Indigenous Youth Scholarship
This award is for Indigenous students to help them complete their post-secondary education, and provide an opportunity for RBC to strengthen its relationship with the Indigenous community. Selected students are awarded up to $10,000 each academic year (for up to four years) to use towards tuition, textbooks, supplies and living expenses. This is for indigenous students who demonstrate a strong academic performance and community involvement. 5 scholarships for students majoring in disciplines related to the financial industry and 15 scholarships to all other disciplines.
Deadline: February 5th, 2025
To Apply: Click Here
Zonta Women in Leadership Award
The application process must start with a Zonta club. All application materials must be received at a Zonta club by the deadline printed on the application. If you downloaded the application from the Zonta International website, you must contact a Zonta club for deadline information. If the Zonta club contact information is not printed on the application, please locate the Zonta club nearest you by using the Club Locator, or email your name and contact information to Zonta International Headquarters at [email protected].
Applicants from geographic areas within a Zonta district where no clubs are located will be considered and are eligible to apply for the international scholarships via a Zonta district.
Eligibility Women, aged 16-19 on 1st April each year, living in a Zonta district or who are citizens of a Zonta country, who demonstrate evidence of the following, are eligible to apply.
- Active commitment to volunteerism.
- Experience in local government, student government, or workplace leadership (paid or unpaid).
- Volunteer leadership achievements.
- Knowledge of Zonta International and its programs.
- Support in Zonta International's mission of building a better world for women and girls.
Deadline: Up to Each Individual ZONTA club, but generally February
To apply or access more information - Click Here
BCGEU (BC General Employees Union) Scholarships
These $2000 scholarships are open to Grade 12 students who are related to a current, retired, or deceased BCGEU member (parents, grandparents, common law, foster parents) and are planning to attend a post-secondary institution in September.
"This year, applicants are asked to submit an essay, video, song or infographic in response to one of three questions:
- The Supreme Court of Canada has recognized the right to strike as an "indispensable component" of collective bargaining. Why is this important?
- The current state of the world poses many challenges. How do you remain hopeful? How can a democratic labour movement bring forth change?
- Why is accessible, well-funded childcare important?"
**For other scholarships offered by the BC General Employees Union - Click Here
Pathway to Teacher Education Scholarship - BC Ministry of Education
The Pathway to Teacher Education Scholarship is awarded to 20 outstanding high school graduates who have demonstrated a commitment and aptitude for a career path in K-12 teaching. Winners receive a $5,000 scholarship voucher to redeem when they are registered and attending an approved K-12 teacher education program at one of BC's nine Faculties of Education.
Deadline: February 17th, 3:00PM - 2025
To apply - Click Here
Schulich Leader Scholarships
Applications OPEN NOW. Twenty undergraduate scholarships of up to $120,000 each are available across Canada for students intending to enroll in the STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics) areas of study at certain Canadian universities. Each secondary school may nominate ONE student. Nominees must possess at least two of the three criteria listed:
- Outstanding community, business or entrepreneurial leadership
- Academic excellence
- Financial need
If you are interested in becoming Belmont's nominee, please use the nomination form, due by January 17th, 2025. Submit the completed form to Mrs. Hoskins via GRAD GOOGLE CLASSROOM.
- For the nomination form - Check GRAD GOOGLE CLASSROOM
- For more information - Click Here
Formal Application by Student is due: February 19th, 2025 - Noon
February Open Applications:
BC School Trustees Association Scholarships for Student Citizenship
These scholarship of 3 x $750 are awarded to a students who has displayed exemplary citizenship within their school and community
Deadline: March 2nd, 11:59PM
To apply - Click Here
BC School Superintendents Association Education Scholarship
Students wishing to be considered for a scholarship must be currently enrolled in their final year of studies at a public secondary school in British Columbia and expected to graduate in June 2025. One winner will be chosen from each of the seven BCSSA provincial chapters (Fraser Valley, Kootenay-Boundary, Metro, Vancouver Island, Northern, Thompson-Okanagan and Indigenous). Each winner will be awarded a $1,500 scholarship. The deadline for applications is March 3, 2025 at 5:00PM.
In selecting the recipients for this year’s awards, the scholarship committees will consider demonstrated distinctive leadership that has made significant impacts to the social, ethical and collaborative fabric and practice of school(s) and community. Letters of reference will be required affirming the applicant’s accomplishments and efforts to improve the quality of life and foster diversity, equity and inclusion. The applicant must submit a short description (450 words maximum) of how their leadership has made a difference in the life or lives of others in their school and/or community. Leadership examples may include, but are not limited to, the following domains: arts, trades, physicality, scholastics, social justice, equity, well-being, diversity, advocacy, and cultural responsiveness.
Only completed applications will be accepted for the scholarship selection process:
- One-page description of how you have made a difference in the life or lives of others (450 words maximum).
- Two letters of reference.
- Demonstrated distinctive leadership by providing two examples, including a brief description, this can include an inspirational artifact, a short video, newsletter, photo, story, or other media.
- Copy of the official school transcript of your grades to date.
- Proof of application/entry to a post-secondary institution (apprenticeship, college, university).
Deadline: March 3rd, 2025 at 5:00PM
To apply - Click Here
Peninsula CO-OP Scholarships
Fourteen scholarships, totaling $15,000, are offered in the areas of athletics, community service, academic excellence, overcoming adversity, etc. Students apply directly through the University of Victoria or Camosun College websites.
UVIC Students = Apply between February 15 - April 30, 2025 To apply – Click Here
Camosun Students = Application between May 1 - July 31, 2025 To apply - Click Here
Peninsula CO-OP Education Scholarship Deadline - August 31, 2025 To apply - Click Here
BCCPAC Educational Award
This $1,000 award is granted annually to a well-rounded student in Grade 12 who is involved and interested in many things and has an understanding of the importance of parent involvement in education.
To apply - Click Here
RE/MAX 2023 Quest for Excellence
The Quest for Excellence Program recognizes the pursuits in leadership and community contributions of Western Canadian students. High school students graduating in 2023 from British Columbia, Alberta, Saskatchewan, Manitoba, Yukon and Northwest Territories are encouraged to write an essay to convey the contributions they have made to enrich the lives of others and their communities through leadership, motivation, volunteering and participation in charitable events or fundraising.
Deadline: March 9th, 2025
To Apply - Click Here